Port Orchard 2014 Senior and Family Photography – Matala Family – Kitsap County Photographer ~ Four Foot Photography

High School Seniors are always such a fun assignment! Not only are ALL 18 year olds good looking, they are vibrant, interesting and full of anticipation – and that is where the similarities end – it is cool beans to meet, even for a short time, these young adults, who seem to be all lit up from inside, and focused on what lies ahead. I love to include mom, dad or a sibling/friend in the session, but my favorite is to photograph the whole family, and the Matala family was all in, even Sadie the Sheltie. These folks are a blue print for how to enjoy your family photography session. More fun, open and playful I could not have asked for, but I suspect they are always genuinely enjoying their life together. A senior’s achievements are always impressive, but how awesome to take the time to freeze this moment, enjoy each other, and make memories together as your young person goes out into the world. Thank you!


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High School Senior Portraits, Family Photography, Kitsap County Photographer, Portraits on the beach, Port Orchard Photographer, South Kitsap High School Class of 2014, Manchester

Mason ~ South Kitsap High School Senior – Kitsap County Photographer ~ Four Foot Photography

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I LOVE photographing High School Seniors! There is just something about the place where childhood meets adulthood that is nothing short of magical, and gets me all verklempt. Sweet, childlike vulnerability lingers just under the surface of this confidant, exuberant, full-of-life and filled-with-possibilities-and-promise honest to goodness grown-up. The air around them feels tinged with excitement, their parents’ pride at a job well {if not nearly} done is palpable. It is my great honor to document this time for both senior and family. It makes me happy. That is all.

Mason, South Kitsap High School Class of 2013. I know Mason’s parents to be hard working, tireless and giving, and their children are the ultimate beneficiaries of lives well and thoughtfully lived. Mason is very accomplished at audio/visual work, and as you will see from his attire, has firmly chosen the next step on his life path! It will be a treat to see what this young man brings to the world.

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Mary Eklund, Kitsap County Photographer, Senior Pictures, South Kitsap Senior High School, Class of 2014, Custom Portraits, Port Orchard, Manchester State Park, Four Foot Photography



Spectacular Seniors…Hayden!

When we talked about scheduling a senior session for her son, Kris was very matter of fact in telling me he really didn’t want any taken, and only agreed to it for her. No worries, I’m in! I don’t know what I was subconciously expecting – attitude, snarkiness, subterfuge – but Hayden was the exact opposite. Sweet, funny, charming, polite, even in the face of my goofiness – I could have photographed him all day (except it was mercilessly cold!).  Now I’m trying to convince Kris and her husband to raise my little beans – I should be so lucky that they would turn out to be such fine individuals! Graduating in South Kitsap High School’s class of 2013, Hayden plays lacrosse and is headed to EWU in the fall. Love him!

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