McNeill’s Brogan Boy – Kitsap County Pet Photographer Four Foot Photography

I never know what will come of an inquiry – sometimes nothing, and sometimes I meet someone I feel like I have known, or want to know, forever. I had a call in October that led to me meeting the fabulous Alicia Harck (I rarely use last names on my blog, but you really need to know that this angel woman is among us). Alicia is co-founder of The Big Dog Rescue Project, and coordinates for Seattle dogs coming in from high kill Texas shelters. She screens applications, picks up, fosters, places and delivers the dogs to their new families. It is an amazing, intensive constant, in addition to caring for her own sweet husband, dogs and horses. Alicia has since done some fostering for Pony Up Equine Rescue (in her spare time?). As much as I would go on and on about this fantastic giver of a woman, this post is not about her, but about sweet Brogan, her 11 year old yellow lab.  Alicia had seen my work at the annual Kitsap Humane Society Animal Krackers Auction, and was calling to set up a pet photography session. 2013 was a hard year for the Harcks, as they lost multiple four footed family members, horses, dogs and the cat. Darling Brogan had been treated at WSU College of Veterinary Medicine for a rare nasal cancer. Brogan fought hard and went into remission, but Alicia was calling me as the cancer was back. She wanted his session to be a surprise for her husband for Christmas, and we planned a lifestyle session featuring this darling boy on his (gorgeous!) home turf, being Brogan, while he was feeling healthy and happy. He certainly lived up to his billing as Chief Heartthrob, although Alicia’s friend Michelle tells me Brogan is HER boyfriend, so I had to take a number. The Harcks are making sure Brogan enjoys every day, and while cancer and treatment have taken their toll, you can clearly see his sweet, beautiful spirit, and the absolute love and devotion he has for his people.

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We made some beautiful custom Christmas cards, a gorgeous canvas, wood print, photographic prints and metal prints, in addition to their custom layflat session album. It is my fervent wish that their vibrant, personal artwork makes them happy every single time they look at it. I love these people and everything they stand for, I am truly blessed to meet such amazing people and animals through my business.












Kitsap County Pet Photographer, Four Foot Photography, Mary Eklund, Port Orchard Pet Photographer, Gig Harbor Pet Photographer, Yellow Lab, Pet Photographer, Kitsap County Photographer, Professional Photographers of America

Painting with Light

Ooh, this week’s lighting challenge was a fun one! Way to fire up the creativity – I enlisted the help of my 8-year-old, and we have great plans to do this again! He had some great ideas – moustache! octopus! stick figure! and enjoyed getting to trigger the shutter for once. I know this post is heavy on the psychedelic lightsaber battle, but they had trouble choosing a favorite. The 6-year-old liked having Princess Leia hair…

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Four Foot Photography, Kitsap County Photographer, Winter Lighting Challenge, Painting with Light, Week 7, Gig Harbor to Bainbridge Island Photographer, Child Photographer

Winter Photo Challenge – Week 1: Natural Light Backlighting

I try to focus {bad photographer pun intended} on one aspect of my business to improve upon each year – my subject for 2014 is lighting, most specifically artificial light, as I have primary used natural light for my photography, with some fill flash as necessary.  Really ALL of photography is about light, and precisely how much is let in to the camera via shutter speed, aperture and ISO.  Light affects not only how we see the image, but how we feel when we see the image. ANYHOO, the Photography Awesomesauce Winter Challenge came across my desk at just the right time, and I decided to jump in, so for the next 22 weeks there will be posts of images taken in conjunction with the weekly challenge.  This week was about backlighting with natural light, and it was, well, kinda dark in my part of the world yesterday and today, so the images I had in mind didn’t quite work out, but this is a Lego robot built by my son, and he wanted a picture of it, so here it is!

Lego Robot

Lego Robot


It is a very cool robot, and there is a mini-figure inside with “controls”. I love that boy.

Six Months Old – Already? Port Orchard Photographer

Time does fly – especially that first year – and this little guy is already blasting through his milestones. I can hardly believe that Evan is six months old – and already on his first cruise. Livin’ the life, Little Dude! Rob and Pattie made time to appease the paparazzi (yours truly) the night before they left on vacation – yikes – for Evan’s 6 month pictures. He is just the yummiest little baby, I love those bright eyes and his interaction with his parents. It has been my unwavering pleasure to be their family photographer (and self-appointed weird auntie).

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Kitsap County Photographer, Mary Eklund, Lifestyle Photography, Family Portraits, Baby Pictures, Milestones, Silverdale, Gig Harbor Photographer, Key Peninsula, Pierce County Photographer

Squishy, Shiny and New

Look who came to see me?! How great is it to have repeat clients? Great, great, GREAT! Especially when they produce such magnificent subject matter. EVAN could not be a more perfect baby, AND his parents brought me coffee. Jus’ sayin’.

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Just look at those sparkly eyes, squishy toes, fuzzy hair. Argh. So. Stinkin. Cute.














Baby Pictures, Lifestyle Photography, Four Foot Photography, Kitsap County Photographer, Mary Eklund, Pierce County Photographer, Family Photos, Newborn, Port Orchard Photographer, Key Peninsula, Gig Harbor Photographer, 2013